Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Medieval Forests

The woodlands and forests of North West England, including Lancashire in the medieval period were a permanent and important part of the landscape, both physically and economically. As such their management would have been prime importance to both the ruling and the peasant classes, providing both raw materials and work.

The extent of medieval woodland in this area would have been formidable. Being a remnant of the old wildwood, in the early medieval period (1000 – 1100 AD), North West England was still heavily wooded broken only by trackways and settlement clearings. Large areas of woodlands were under the control of the king and his earls, to the exclusion of the local peasant population. The Doomsday Book lists the amount of land that was under woodland and who held it. For the area of Lancashire “inter Ripam et Mersham” (“between the Ribble and Mersey”) 1619 Miles 2 (419611 Hectares) were woodland (see appendix) compared with 1.2 Miles 2 (314 Hectares) in 1988.

The management and use of trees during this period produced different types of woodland depending on how the landscape was put to use. Michael Aston suggests that woodland management was a self-generating system, the supply of wood and timber were infinitely renewable and two types of crops were taken. The first crop was taken at intervals of 30 years; this was trees for timber production. Timber being defined as any trunk or branch of a tree that was greater than 5” in diameter i.e. thicker than a mans upper arm the second crop was of underwood and coppice cropped in seven year cycles. Underwood was the small, bushier younger growth found on the woodland floor and used especially for fencing, thatching wood and for wattle in wattle-and-daub walling. A system of rotation was adopted so that with different crops could be taken from different parts of the wood each year, and to guarantee a regular supply of these raw materials specific management techniques were used.

Coppicing known as Silva minutia in the Domesday Book is derived from the French word couper ‘to cut’. This technique required the tree to be cut down to ground level leaving a stool, the main trunk then regenerates by putting out a number of smaller trunks. Until the young growth were strong enough to withstand browsing by animals, the coppiced tree required protection, and earth banks topped with a fence of dead or live hedge surrounded the coppiced areas. In large woods, different sections of coppice were cropped at intervals over several years to provide usable wood for various uses depending on the variety of tree. Evidence for such activity is in place names such as Spring Wood on the Heskin Hall estate at Heskin, which may indicate an area of coppice woodland. The name is derived from the fact that once cut new growth would ‘spring’ up from the old stools. Typical trees species suitable for coppicing were ash, elm, hazel and maple.

Scattered throughout the coppiced woodland were standard trees, usually of oak that would be allowed to grow to their full height, over a period of between 30 to 70 years. These were used to produce the heavier constructional timber; and would only be felled in special circumstances.

On the edges of the woodlands and in hedgerows pollarded trees would be found. Derived from the Dutch word Polled or N. Fr Poll to behead, these trees were clean cut at a height of between 2 to 5m and, just as in the case of coppicing the tree would regenerate and produce new growth, the only difference being that this was out of the reach of grazing animals. Typical trees species suitable for pollarding would be oak ash, hornbeam, willow and beech.

Producing a ‘lollipop’ shaped tree, shredding was the regular removal of lower lateral branches from the trunk of the tree this produced a thin trunk and a permanent leafy crown at the top. The branches were probably used for firewood and the trunks for long straight poles.

On the lowland areas of Lancashire and especially around Croston and Eccleston, oak would have been the most common tree to be found in woodlands, and in fact still is. It is a strong durable wood, which is pliable and workable years after felling, but when seasoned it was virtually impossible to saw and axe across the grain. A tree grown in the open could have a 25m canopy with several massive branches whilst a tree grown in a woodland environment would grow tall and straight with fewer branches. The smaller trees would be felled ‘as and when’ required. Evidence from medieval timber framed ‘Cruck’ building show that the carpenter would choose the smallest tree that would generate the required size of beam to minimise waste and effort. North West England has a high density of ‘cruck’ building; the curved uprights are formed from bent trees, which usually grow on steep exposed sites. The massive centre posts of Windmills required a specific size of wood and were made from a standard tree usually oak and could easily be 12m long, 600mm diameter and weighing 3-4 ton. Prestige construction projects could require unique timbers of such large dimensions that they would have to be sourced ten’s of miles away from the construction site. This was the case for the Lantern at Ely cathedral in 1328. These beams needed to be 19m long and a diameter of 800mm at the top. This type of sourcing must surely have taken place in the North West also.

Following the Norman victory at Hastings in 1066, the management of the countryside became more focussed on its profit making potential. Just like a present day multinational taking over a smaller company who are only interested in asset stripping, the new Normans rulers needed a comprehensive survey of what land was available, how it was used and who owned it. This was carried out in 1086 in the form of the Domesday Book. The Normans wanted to squeeze every penny they could out of the land and one way in which this could be achieved was to maximise the way that the land was managed.

As well as producing wood and timber from the woodlands, other types of ‘businesses’ were incorporated into them, one of the simplest being the introduction of ‘managed’ animals in the form of deer, boar and game bird within the new parks. Deer and wild boar would live, deep in the woods and to assist with their capture a clearing of woodland pasture known as launds (SiIva Pastoralis in the Domesday Book) would be formed. Food would be placed in these clearings and once the wild animals were used to this regular supply of food they would become semi-domesticated and easier to catch. Documentary evidence exists that shows that at in 1295 at Ightenhill an income of £3-6-1d was generated form the capture of 80 wild boar from the wooded park. In higher districts of Lancashire and particular in Yorkshire, areas that were once launds may be indicated in place names that contain the element thwaite, derived from the O.N. þveit a forest clearing such as Micklethwaite – the large clearing.

Woodland was also managed to allow various other ‘crops’ and activities to take place. At certain times of the year domestic animals would be let into the woodland to graze ‘at a price’. In the autumn, domestic pigs would be allowed to graze on the pannage, that is the acorns or beechnuts that fall from the trees, specialist management techniques would be required to ensure the availability of this crop. Cattle may have been brought in agisted and fed on the stubble once the hay had been cut and removed from the launds. In Toxteth Park in 1258, £0-4-3d was paid to allow cattle to feed on the fogg (hay stubble).

Tan Pit farm part of Gillibrand Hall estate in Chorley once stood adjacent to the Halls woodland; this may have been an early tanning site. The bark would have been stripped from coppiced thinnings and used in the tanning of hides, producing a dual income from one raw material.

A raw material that was highly valued during the mediaeval period was bees wax. One of it main uses would be for bees wax candles, used by the monastic communities. These candles produced a cleaner burn than the tallow candles used by peasant classes. Place names containing the element Biker may indicate areas of woodlands used by beekeepers such as Bickerstaffe in Lancashire.

Physical evidence for the management of mediaeval woodlands has all but disappeared in the 21st century. But, indicator species such as Dog’s Mercury (Mercurialis perennis), Lesser Celendine (Rannuncules ficaria), and drifts of Bluebellls (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), and Ramsons (Allium ursinum) found growing in an isolated copse may be the only evidence left to show that it was once part of a larger woodland environment. ‘Out of context’ place names now found in the middle of new housing estates may also hint of past uses. Colt House Close, part of the Langdale housing estate at Leyland is built on the site of Colt House Wood. Colt Wood may been a clearing in a section woodland of a park used to separate juvenile male horses from the rest of the herd.

The former BAE SYSTEM factory at Chorley (the ROF) was a 1000 acre site that has been closed to public access for over 50 years and contains the largest expanse of untouched woodland in the area. Worden wood takes its name from Worden Hall, the original seat of the Anderton / Farington family, which dates back to at latest 1509. This woodland still contains ditches and banks, and large pollarded trees once stood on its edge (these tree were cut down during the redevelopment of the site) The 1928 Ordnance Survey Map clearly shows rides and possible fish ponds still existed within the wood.

Following the Norman invasion in 1066, the governing of the country and in particular the countryside and woodland management passed over to the ‘accountants’. This fundamental shift in management required the maximisation of profit from the woodland environment.

As I have endeavoured to show, by looking at documentary evidence particularly from monastic sources, place name and physical evidence from Chorley and Leyland area, which evidence for this shift in woodland management in the medieval period can still be found.

Eccleston Place Names

As a research tool, the study of field names can be used to provide numerous facets of information that can prove very useful in the study of local history. Information on past agricultural usage, descriptions of the underlying geology, geographical features as well as the quality of the land can readily be found in their descriptive names. Past ownership is sometimes indicated by the use of personal names and ecclesiastical associations are indicated by names with a ‘religious’ feel. To try to illustrate this I will use the field names found on the northern outskirts of Eccleston.

The present St Marys church has been on this site since the 14th century, but it may be on the site of a much older building. It is therefore possible that the fields shown on the Eccleston Glebe Lands Survey may have been in the ownership of the church for hundreds of years.

These fields are still Glebe Lands belonging to Blackburn Diocese and many have ecclesiastical associations in their names. These include Higher and Lower Chapel Bank, Higher and Lower Church Pasture, Church Field, Church Field Wood and Church Yard. Other fields in this area include Marled Earth, Barn Field, Hard Field, Mere Fold and Green Field which describe the usage and physical features of the land. The piece of land lying between the millrace that fed Eccleston’s old corn mill and the river Yarrow was known as Holme and may come from the old Norse term ‘holmr’ describing a piece of riverside land or water meadow.

Evidence from ‘Survey of Eccleston Glebe Lands and Langton's Tenement’, shows how the fields around St. Mary’s Church looked in 1776 and the ‘Eccleston Tithe Map and Survey of 1841’ shows the field structures over the entire parish. Two hundred years later, the present day O.S. map also shows that little has changed and that most of these field boundaries are still maintained.

The present St Marys church has been on this site since the 14th century, but it may be on the site of a much older building. It is therefore possible that the fields shown on the Eccleston Glebe Lands Survey may have been in the ownership of the church for hundreds of years.

These fields are still Glebe Lands belonging to Blackburn Diocese and many have ecclesiastical associations in their names. These include Higher and Lower Chapel Bank, Higher and Lower Church Pasture, Church Field, Church Field Wood and Church Yard. Other fields in this area include Marled Earth, Barn Field, Hard Field, Mere Fold and Green Field which describe the usage and physical features of the land. The piece of land lying between the millrace that fed Eccleston’s old corn mill and the river Yarrow was known as Holme and may come from the old Norse term ‘holmr’ describing a piece of riverside land or water meadow.

Of the 7 fields belonging to the Langton's holdings, only 2 are of note, Hilow meadow and Laughing Meadow. Hilow meadow may possibly be a personal name, whilst Laughing Meadow may be an ancient complimentary name for productive land, a joke for a poor area of land or it may be a corruption of Laugher (Lower).

The Eccleston Parish Tithe map of 1841 provides a numbered list of all the fields, their usage and field names if known. Most of these fields are to be found lying between the townships of Eccleston and Croston (see the insert map for details). Heading west from St. Mary’s church toward Croston lies a larger tract of interesting land, straddling both sides of the river Yarrow. North of the Yarrow the first field is the aptly named Wet Reins (Old Norse reinn defining land found on a boundary) this poorly-drained land is a sponge of a field and separates the fields of Eccleston from the lands belonging to the ancient moated site of Ingrave or Tingrave (The Ingrave). Passing through the Meadow which was once a larger field but shown as being split into two parts on the Tithe map, the next fields are Yarrow Hey and Long Hey. The term Heys comes from the Old English (ge)hæg describing a fenced in piece of land or a forest enclosed for preserving game, Yarrow Hey contains an abandoned collection of crack willows on the edge of the river, whilst Long Hey is a long narrow piece of land. The next field has the name of Cow Ridding and the Tithe maps states that this was an arable field. The term Ridding comes from the Old English Ryding a clearing in a woodland or waste land taken into cultivation. It may be possible that Cow Ridding is similar to Bull Copy i.e. a coppice woodland in which the town bull was kept.

Tenon Topped Gatepost – A Leyland Hundred Enigma

During a walk around one winter’s day, I spotted a stone gatepost hidden in the hedgerow, not just any gatepost; this one was different. It was a rough cut stone post 8 inches square and about 5ft tall with a cube on its top surface. Strange I thought and put it at the back of my mind. Out walking a few weeks later in Eccleston, I spotted two more. One I could put down to an artistic stone mason, but three in different parishes! Something strange was going on. My walks have now changed and have become a post hunt.

After talking to members from Leyland Historical Society and Chorley and District Archaeological society, I found out that I was not the first person to notice them and in fact these posts had a name locally ‘Tenon Topped Gate Posts’ (T.T.G.P.). I was also told of the approximate location of another 30 or so in the surrounding district. As no one was keeping a definitive list, I decided to take it upon myself to record them. To date, I have managed to survey 18, some of which not previously identified. As most are found inside hedges and the broken or fallen ones found in ditches or in the bottom of hedges, I have found winter the best time to find them.

At the present time I don’t know the age of the T.T.G.P’s as it is difficult to date stone without any contextual material, or if they are unique to west Lancashire. For this reason I have decided to undertake a full survey of the known posts because once they have been grubbed up in farming changes they will have gone forever and the chance will have been lost. The survey data consists of measurements of the height, width and depth of the post and its tenon, orientation on the long axis of the tenon, a photograph of the tenon and the post and the O.S. grid reference of its location.

I have identified three styles of tenon. In type 1, the tenon extends across the full width of the post. Type 2 tenon is central on the post and type 3 tenon’s are offset to one side of the post. So far the post only occur singularly in hedgerows or as one in a pair at a gate entrance and appears to be the right hand post when you are on the lane or track and entering the field.

The enigma of the posts is the tenon. Why waste time and energy to carve a tenon on the top of a rough-cut gatepost? Why the three different styles of tenon? What if anything was fitted on top of the tenon? These questions have been the cause of many heated discussions between many members of the local history circles.

The following theories have been put forward as to the use of the gateposts.

The posts were created by one mason who used the tenon as a trademark. From the wide distribution of the post in so many districts and the different types of stone used I don’t believe that the same mason would have worked at several local quarries and over such a large geographical area.

The tenon may have been used as a hitching point for a rope used to fasten a gate,. The height of the tenon would suggest that it would be easy for a horse rider to reach without dismounting, but why would the post need a tenon when the rope could just as easily be placed over the post or how would a type 1 be used in such a fashion.

The tenon topped gatepost may have been used to indicate land use or ownership. A mentioned above that single posts have only been found and so could be used as a marker to signal a message to people in ‘the know’. One idea is that they were used to indicate land owned by catholic families, who were deprived of many civil rights for almost 300 years and could show a place where safe refuge or passage could be found. It is possible that an inverted wooden ‘T’ could have been placed on the tenon to give the impression of a cross from a distance and quickly removed in times of trouble.

It has also been suggested that the posts may have indicated land under the ownership of the knights templers. I believe that large areas of land in and around Leyland Hundred were once own by the knights of St. John, more research is required to see if the two tie up.

I have found an old lane; now largely overgrown linking the township of Leyland with Eccleston. Along its route, I have found four posts still upright and another two broken and in a ditch, others may now be missing. Walking along the length of the lane, the location of the next post can be seen either over the crest of rise in the lane or around a bend. I’m not sure if this is significant or just a random effect, but it leads me to think that this may have a something to do with their function. Were these posts used as a method of marking a prescribed route for certain people to follow such as drovers or cattle herder moving livestock around the district.

If you know the location of any similar post in or around Lancashire please let me know.